Cheesy Tuna Mac - KNEP - Kentucky Nutrition Education Program


Cheesy Tuna Mac

Servings:1Serving Size:2 cups


  • 1 individual macaroni and cheese cup
  • 1 package (2.6 ounces) of tuna, drained
  • 1 container (7 ounces) of vegetables, drained
  • 1 tablespoon milk


  1. Prepare the macaroni and cheese according to the package directions.
  2. Add remaining ingredients and stir well.
  3. Microwave on high for 20 seconds, or until desired temperature.
  4. Stir again and enjoy!


This recipe can be made with canned or packaged chicken, as well. Try different combinations of vegetables. 


Source: Source: University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service: Nutrition Education Program: Backpack Recipes

Nutrition facts per serving: 360 calories; 5g total fat; 2g saturated fat; 0g trans fat; 35mg cholesterol; 650mg sodium; 46g total carbohydrate; 2g dietary fiber; 7g total sugars; 0g added sugars; 30g protein; 0% Daily Value of vitamin D; 20% Daily Value of calcium; 10% Daily Value of iron; 8% Daily Value of potassium.