Crunchy Clover Snacks
Servings:4Serving Size:1/2 cup
- 16 ounces frozen green peas
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- Thaw peas. Place between paper or cloth towels and remove as much moisture as possible.
- Preheat oven to 375°.
- Place peas in a single layer on a baking sheet and toss with oil and garlic powder, coating evenly.
- Bake for 30 minutes, shaking and stirring often to cook evenly.
- Check to see if they are crunchy. If not, continue baking in increments of 10 minutes until crunchy.
- Cool before serving.
Source: Eat Smart to Play Hard: Brooke Jenkins, Extension Specialist, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service
110 calories; 1g total fat; 0g saturated fat; 0g trans fat; 0mg cholesterol; 0mg sodium; 18g total carbohydrate; 6g dietary fiber; 6g total sugars; 0g added sugars; 7g protein; 0% Daily Value of vitamin D; 2% Daily Value of calcium; 0% Daily Value of iron; 0% Daily Value of potassium