Spider Bites
Servings:8Serving Size:1 spider snack

- 16 round whole wheat crackers
- ½ cup hummus
- 48 mini pretzel sticks
- Spread eight crackers with hummus.
- Arrange four pretzel sticks on each side of the crackers allowing them to protrude, forming legs.
- Top with remaining crackers.
Source: Eat Smart to Play Hard: Jeannie Najor, Program Coordinator, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service
60 calories; 2.5g total fat; 0g saturated fat; 0g trans fat; 0mg cholesterol; 160mg sodium; 9g total carbohydrate; 0g dietary fiber; 1g total sugars; 2g protein; 0% Daily Value of vitamin D; 2% Daily Value of calcium; 6% Daily Value of iron; 2% Daily Value of potassium