Toasty Eggs - KNEP - Kentucky Nutrition Education Program


Toasty Eggs

Servings:1Serving Size:1 recipeRecipe Cost:$0.31Cost per Serving:$0.31
Toasty Eggs


  • 1 slice whole-wheat bread
  • 1 ½ teaspoons unsalted butter
  • 1 egg
  • Dash Salt
  • Dash black pepper


  1. Wash your hands with warm water and soap, scrubbing for 20 seconds.
  2. Preheat a small nonstick skillet over medium-low heat. Add the butter to melt.
  3. Use a biscuit cutter or the rim of a glass and cut out the center of the slice of bread.
  4. When the butter is melted, tilt the pan to spread the melted butter. Place the slice of bread in the skillet. Crack the egg into the center of the hole.
  5. Rewash hands after handling raw egg.
  6. Cook the egg for about a minute; sprinkle salt and pepper; flip over with a spatula.
  7. Place bread circle in the pan to toast on each side while egg is cooking.
  8. Continue cooking until the egg yolk is set. Serve immediately with toast circle on the side.
  9. Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours.


You can also scramble the egg before pouring it into the hole.

Source: Brooke Jenkins, Extension Specialist with the Nutrition Education Program, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service

Nutrition facts per serving: 220 calories, 12g fat, 5g saturated fat, 0g trans fat, 200mg cholesterol, 190mg sodium, 19g carbohydrate, 0g dietary fiber, 3g sugar, 0g added sugars, I lg protein, 6% Daily Value vitamin D, 6% Daily Value calcium, 10% Daily Value iron, 2% Daily Value potassium