The Nutritional Powerhouse: Blueberries


Blueberries are a delicious and nutritious fruit that offers a wide range of health benefits. Packed with flavor, fiber, and essential vitamins, blueberries make a perfect addition to your diet. In this article, we will explore the nutrition facts of blueberries, tips for selecting and storing them, and some creative ideas for incorporating them into your meals.

Nutrition Facts: 

Blueberries are low in calories and free from fat and sodium. A half-cup serving of blueberries contains only 40 calories. They are an excellent source of dietary fiber, providing 22 percent of the recommended daily value. Additionally, blueberries are rich in vitamin C, which supports a healthy immune system, and vitamin K, important for blood clotting.

Health Benefits: 

Blueberries stand out as a fruit with exceptional antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help protect our cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals. Studies have suggested that the high antioxidant content in blueberries may contribute to reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. Furthermore, they may aid in lowering cholesterol levels and reducing inflammation in the body.


When choosing blueberries, look for plump, firm berries with deep blue-black skin. They should have a silvery sheen known as “bloom” and be free from leaves or stems. Remember, size does not determine maturity; focus on the color instead. Blueberries should be deep purple-blue to blue-black. Avoid soft or shriveled berries, those with signs of mold, or any bruises. Stained boxes or containers also indicate spoilage.


To keep your blueberries fresh and flavorful, cover and refrigerate them for up to 14 days. It is best to wash blueberries just before using them to maintain their freshness. Refrigerate them in their original plastic pack or in a covered bowl or container, avoiding plastic bags. Consume or freeze the berries within 10-14 days of purchase.


If you want to preserve blueberries for longer, follow these steps:

  1. Select ripe blueberries, removing any leaves, stems, or immature berries.
  2. Spread the blueberries in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet.
  3. Place the sheet in the freezer for 2 hours.
  4. Transfer the frozen berries to a freezer bag or airtight container.
  5. Label the container with the date, product name, form (e.g., halves), and number of servings.
  6. Store the blueberries in an upright freezer, chest freezer, or refrigerator-freezer combination set to 0˚F or below.
  7. Frozen blueberries can be kept for up to 6 months. To defrost, place them in a bowl and wash them before consuming.


Blueberries can be enjoyed fresh or used in various recipes. Cooking blueberries in batter may cause a slight color change to greenish-blue, but this does not affect their flavor. Here are some ideas for incorporating blueberries into your meals:

  • Snack on fresh blueberries throughout the day.
  • Add blueberries to your breakfast by topping your cereal, oatmeal, or toast.
  • Include blueberries in salads for a burst of flavor or serve them with yogurt for a healthy dessert.
  • Blueberries are great in pancakes, waffles, muffins, fruit salads, and smoothies.


With their remarkable health benefits and delicious taste, blueberries are a fantastic addition to any diet. Remember to choose fresh and ripe berries, store them properly, and get creative with different ways to enjoy them. Whether you prefer them fresh, frozen, or incorporated into recipes, blueberries provide a nutritious and flavorful experience for all ages. Reach out to your local Extension office for recipes featuring blueberries as well as safe food preservation resources.

Source: LaToya Drake, MS, Program Coordinator, KY Nutrition Education Program, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service